Sunday, February 22, 2015

So yesterday I went on my day date for MORP, which is Highland's version of Sadies. (it's Prom backwards) Asking Parker (otherwise known as pfullms) was the best decision I've ever made. I think the funniest part is that I didn't even ask him. Well like I did, but not physically. Right after Winter Formal, every girl was modeling the Hunger Games to find a MORP date. I was in Utah at the time because I didn't get to go to Winter Formal because a series of unfortunate events that I don't even want to get into. But like I was saying, I wasn't in town, but I really wanted to ask Parker because he's the bees knees. I was afraid someone else was going to swoop in and ask him because for Winter Formal he got asked me three girls at the same exact time. So I had Reagan totally ask him for me. Not even joking she made the poster and put it on his doorstep and everything. Hey, it's survival of the fittest, right? 

But anyways, my group decided to go to Castles and Coasters, which is located in the bowels of Phoenix. It's a little sketch, but that's what made it so much fun. 

Me and Parker waited in line for the very first ride we went on for a solid 45 minutes. But I'm not complaining because during that time we finally decided what to be for MORP. The theme is characters from movies. I asked Parker a good two months ago and we waited a week before the actual dance to figure out what we are being. That's the best way to do it, though. Also, I think I'm just gonna keep our idea a secret. Don't worry cause I'll reveal it when the time comes. 

This picture is actually a screenshot from a video on my Snapchat Story. Look how happy we look!!!

We stayed at Castle's and Coasters until closing. A couple in our group (*cough cough* Melanie & Peysen) got kicked off a roller coaster so there's that. One of the highlights of the night was definitely when Hannah and I were screaming Beyonce lyrics out of fear on a ride called the SeaDragon. But I have to say, my favorite was the little bumper boats they had. It's basically like bumper cars except you're on water. It was sicker than your average.

We topped the night off at Melanie's house with some pazookies. Parker was the best d8 in the st8. I can't even contain my excitement for MORP this Saturday. Expect lots of pictures.

"Weeds are flowers too, once you get to know them." -A.A. Milne

Lately, I've made a ton of new friends. And there's a few of them that I honestly never in a million years thought I would even become close with. But they've become some of my greatest blessings! I've made a personal goal to try and reach out to people more and it's really humbled me. I used to have kind of a bad habit of judging people but I've found I'm so much happier by just staying open minded. So I encourage everyone to try and get to know others! 


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