Thursday, February 26, 2015

Okay, first and foremost, I want to apologize for my lack of posting lately. It's been a pretty dragged out week. I've spent most of it stressing about school and preparing for MORP this Saturday. Which reminds me, I should probably get my tickets tomorrow considering it's in two days. But anyways, tonight rocked my world. If you don't know Ashley Judd, I genuinely feel sorry for you. She is the most authentic person I've ever met! Not long ago we didn't even give each other the time of day but the universe brought us together. Today, I picked her up at like 5 and we drove around for a good hour and a half and had the deepest of conversations. Then we went and talked to Reagan for a little bit and ended our little date at Coldstone. There was this super creepy worker who asked us at least a billion if not more times if we wanted mayonnaise on our ice cream. And then when we left, somehow the door got caught so it didn't shut. As we were starting to walk away we were totally ranting about how weird that dude was and then I flipped around only to realize that I was stupid enough to leave the door wide open. I know he heard us because I saw the look on his face. And then I told Ashley to run for her life so we sprinted away from that joint in sheer embarrassment. 

Yeah I know what you're thinking, she's gorgeous in every single way and it's freakin' not fair. 

"When one door of happiness closes, another opens, but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one that has opened for us." -Helen Keller

 Sometimes, we loose things because we have to make room for something else. When good things fall apart, even better things fall together. Don't dwell on all your closed doors. Look for the blessings that come from each new opened door.


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