Sunday, March 1, 2015

I can't believe that today is already March 1st. But MORP yesterday was seriously the most perfect ending of February. Parker and I worked our tails off putting our costumes together for Fred & Daphne from Scooby- Doo. But it totally payed off because we were the grooviest couple there. Throughout the day I was a tad bit stressed because I was having a bad hair day and then it started to rain. The last time I went to a school dance, which was Mountain View homecoming, it rained a ton so I was really freaked out. I had Reagan come over not long before we picked our dates up and as I was reaching in my makeup bag, I sliced my middle finger with a razor. I started flipping out because I literally hate the sight of blood. Since Reagan is prepping to be a nurse one day, she cleaned it up for me. She made me tell her the story of the three little pigs so I would be distracted. It was still raining by the time Melanie picked me up but I decided to make the best of it. We picked up our dates and met everyone else at the Highland racquetball courts to take pictures. Parker brought chalk and drew a mighty fine drawing of Scooby-Doo on the wall. It was psychedelic. After pictures we headed to Downtown Gilbert because we planned on eating at Lolo's Chicken and Waffles. But turns out the wait was 2 hours so we decided to dip. But as we were leaving this black guy asked Parker and I to pose for a picture. I was so flattered. We ended up going to California Pizza Kitchen for dinner, and our waiter screwed up our meal so we got a free pizza on top of the one we already ordered. And to my surprise, another black guy came up to us and said he loved our costumes. Not to brag but we got a decent amount of compliments. The dance was top notch, although I was dumb enough to wear my heels the entire time so my feet are literally still killing me as we speak. Parker and I got separated a lot but it was so cute because every time we were reunited we gave each other a big hug. It was like two old war veterans that hadn't seen each other in years. After the dance just Melanie, Peysen, Parker and I went to the driving range to hit a few golf balls after hours. Technically it was illegal since it was closed but if you obey all the rules you miss all the fun, am I right? So that was my night.  I have no room to complain even if it didn't really go as planned. 

Not pictured: my bloody finger

Funny story. Reagan's date, Raph, was still at a soccer tournament while we were taking pictures so she was riding solo.

Parker literally swept me off my feet last night. It was no 'mystery' that he was the best date a girl could ask for.

"Spread love everywhere you go. Let no one ever come to you without leaving happier." -Mother Teresa

Be that one person that makes everybody feel like a somebody. You can make such an impact on a person's life just by simply being nice! 


1 comment:

  1. HHAHAHAHA "It was like two old war veterans that hadn't seen each other in years" best part. jk the whole thing was awesome. love you tato
    p.s. text me back ya dingus
