Monday, March 2, 2015

Aloha. So some of you may know that my mom is big on humanitarian service. And because of that, she has lots of connections from all over the world. That's why I was fortunate enough to go to Africa back in 2013 and why I'm going to India this summer. But anyways, she knows lots of cool people from all over. One of the perks is that sometimes they send us rad gifts. Somehow it got out that I am literally in love with the city of London. (I plan to move there someday) So I got the most random present in the mail today. 

I got this sick t-shirt. Shout out to whoever it's from, you made my day. Also, don't mind my hair. My only excuse is that it rained cats and dogs today. I was all snuggled up in my bed watching One Tree Hill when Reagan asked me to go shopping with her. I was skeptical about it because I don't like to be interrupted when it comes to me and my One Tree Hill. But I decided to go and whaddya know? PacSun was having such a great sale today. I love that store with a passion. I ended up buying a super cute dress that will be perfect for my trip to India (it's never to early to shop for a vacation) and I even got two free shirts. My mind is still blown. It was such a good deal. I also got the freaking cutest journal today to add to my array of notebooks. I have this problem where I keep starting journals but I just give up because it doesn't really groove with my vibe. But I think with this journal, I'll get lucky and have enough persistence and fill in every single page. 

"She had not known the weight until she felt the freedom." -Nathaniel Hawthorne, The Scarlet Letter

In my opinion, one of the most beautiful feelings you can ever experience is the moment you realize you are so much better off without something. Whether it be an object, a relationship, or whatever it may be. You don't really know how much something was weighing you down until it's lifted from you. Freedom is such a wonderful thing. Never take it for granted!


1 comment:

  1. you look fine you dingus head i don't know what you're smoking if you think you look bad
