Thursday, March 5, 2015

Today was supercalifragilisticexpialidocious. I went on a field trip for the 'Go Green Club' at Highland. First, we went to ASU and listened to this professor talk about the environment for an hour. I was in the front row and it was really awkward because he saw me texting and called me out in front of everyone but it's chill. Then, my teacher said we were going to a farm. I don't know about you, but when someone says the word 'farm', I picture like rows and rows of gardens along with cute little animals like goats. But we pull up and to my surprise, it was nothing like a farm. We walked around and looked at endless piles of dirt. This lady found some fungi in the dirt and showed it to us so that was a plus. Also, they gave us some random orange juice samples. But I tried my hardest to make the best out of it. 
Please enjoy the picture below because despite the sun in our faces, it was actually windy and a tad bit chilly. So that explains why there's a hair in front of my face if you look really close with a microscope.

We got back just in time for seventh hour but technically since we were excused the whole day, no one would ever notice if we ditched. It was the perfect opportunity for a Sonic run.

After school I met up with my main homie Brooke and her little brother Dallen in downtown Gilbert. We enjoyed some quality chicken and waffles at Lolo's. It's funny because whenever I stand next to Brooke she ALWAYS says something like "you're so tiny!" or "you're so short!" when in reality we're like the same size. I honestly couldn't get enough of Brooke Petersen. If my fantasy of attending FIDM doesn't become a reality then I'll be rooming with her at Utah Valley University, fools. 

At 6:30 my mom and I went to Gilbert High School to attend a meeting for my Design Club trip. This field trip will definitely top the one I went on today, mark my words. We're going to Disneyland, touring the Fashion Institute for Design and Merchandising (FIDM, aka my dream college), and attending their fashion show. If there's one thing about me is that I appreciate fashion. It's kind of a religion to me. So if this field trip I'm going on in a couple weeks is just a dream, you can go ahead and pinch me, because it still hasn't sunk in that it's really happening. Did I mention that it's school excused so technically it doesn't even show up as an absence on my attendance record? Yeah, life kinda rocks. 

"Never do anything by halves if you want to get away with it. Be outrageous. Go the whole hog. Make sure everything you do is so completely crazy it's unbelievable." -Roald Dahl

It's up to you to show the world what you're made of. Make sure that all you do is with full intent, or you might as well not do it all. 



  1. one more thing... in that picture i am literally a GIANT next to you so yeah so much for the same size
