Wednesday, March 25, 2015

First and foremost, I would like to apologize for two things:
1. My lack of posting
2. How insanely long this next post will be. Don't say I didn't warn you.

Last Wednesday at midnight, I boarded a bus en route to California for my fashion club trip. We were actually supposed to fly, but it all got screwed up so we went with Plan B. I made the best out of it except the fact that it was extremely uncomfortable when I was trying to fall asleep. I probably got like a good three hours of sleep because I literally woke up every twenty minutes to change my position. But anyway, the morning we got there we went straight to Disneyland. Like no joke, we didn't even have time to go to our hotel or anything. So we had to change and get ready on the bus and everything. We took on the task of changing in front of the bus driver and the three boys that came from Gilbert and Desert Ridge by holding up blankets. I still laugh a little bit whenever I think about it. 

Upon arriving at Disneyland, we got to go behind the scenes and look at the costumes for all the Disney princesses and characters. We were even allowed to touch some of them, so that was pretty dope not gonna lie. 

K, one thing you should know is that my all time favorite ride is Indiana Jones. I already am in love with that movie series so the fact that they made a ride of it just makes life 10x better. 

The Tower of Terror ranks number two on my list of favorite Disneyland rides. Please enjoy the picture above of me mid-screaming with hair blown right into my face. We stayed there the whole entire day, so by midnight my feet were literally killing me. But the good defiantly outweighed the bad, because there's just something about the atmosphere of Disneyland that puts you in a cheery mood no matter what. So it's kind of hard to stay angry while you're there, even when it got hard to walk from the blisters on my feet.

During the day on Friday, we went to the Mexican shopping alley and toured FIDM, which are both located in the heart of Los Angeles. Though the Mexican alley was sketchy at times, I did get some brand spanking new makeup and a couple of cute pairs of shoes. I'm a real life shoe-a-holic. I should probably go to a support group for it.

There's a story behind this picture. The guy who was hosting the FIDM Debut Fashion Show this year was Nick Verreos, who won Project Runway back in 2005. Chloe and I saw him from a distance and literally yelled his name and asked if we could take a selfie with him. I'm not gonna lie, I actually have a little crush on him. But I don't think he's necessarily into women. Anyway, he was low-key the sweetest person I've ever met. We ended up becoming best friends with him because we saw him two more times after that and he recognized us. The third time was at the fashion show, and he came up to us and hugged us and said that we both looked fabulous. I almost fainted because he's pretty much my idol.

The rest of our group sat way in the back, but somehow me and Chloe got lucky and found two seats in the third row. That's like unheard of, considering how packed it was in there. 

It was a coincidence that Nick chose to take a selfie with the section we were sitting in. But to be honest it was probably because Chloe and I screamed his name like a million times. We were probably his biggest fans. 
Hint: I'm in the top left

My first time attending a fashion show was a success. And as cheesy as it sounds, it made me want to pursue my career in the fashion industry even more. 

We spent our last day in California walking around Hollywood and going to various malls to go shopping. I didn't really buy much, except for a shirt I got from Nordstrom that at the time I thought had Arizona on it. Later I realized I was mistaken because it was actually Nevada instead and my heart was crushed. 

Fun fact: I got a cute British boy to take this group picture of us at the Santa Monica Pier. Also, I threw away this extremely overpriced ice cream cone after I modeled with it because it was literally dripping everywhere. 

Although I was extremely tired and sat on a bus about half the time, my trip to the Golden State was the bomb diggity. Until next time, California. Arrivederci for now! 

P.S.  my teacher has informed that next year I will be the president of the fashion club. The first thing I'll do when I'm sworn into office is make sure we take an airplane instead of bus for the next fashion trip.

One last thing: on Monday, my cousin Ashlyn surprised me by coming in town from college. She goes to Snow College, which is a super small yet cute school that nobody really knows about. I visited her back in December and met all her roommates and stuff. 

At ten o'clock tonight Ashlyn and I decided to go to the Val Vista Lakes Clubhouse and take pictures in our swimsuits just for the heck of it. She's kind of like my go-to person whenever I'm in the mood for doing something spontaneous. So that's why it's hard that she lives 568 miles away from me, because I'm down for an adventure pretty much every day.

"Have courage and be kind." -Cinderella (2015)

That, my friends, will probably be the simplest quote I'll ever post on here. And although it's like super short, it has a huge effect on me every day. 


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