Sunday, March 15, 2015

There's probably some hype about me posting some super cute pictures considering last week was spring break. I hate to let you guys down, but it was the most low-key spring break I've ever had. So I have like no pictures. I don't want to use the word boring, because it had it's moments for sure, but yeah. It was really bland. I guess I'll just do a play by play of what I did each day.

Monday: after Lauren got out from school (keep in mind she lives in the Mesa district), we met up at Gecko Grill because it's basically like her second home. After we parted ways, I hung out with Melanie, Elle, Brie, Cali, Karigan, and Paula. All we did was watch the Bachelor finale, which I'm still pretty upset about because Becca should've gotten the rose.

Tuesday: no need to be repetitive here because it already had it's time in the spotlight. Just scroll down.

Wednesday: I was actually pretty festive that day. I decided to go to the Phoenix Arts Museum with my pals Irene and Kim. It was literally like a 45 minute drive because the traffic sucked. I also almost killed them while I was switching lanes, but I think they've already forgiven me. On Wednesdays' it's free to get in, but it excludes the Andy Warhol and Leonardo di Vinci exhibits which is totally lame because those are the highlights of the whole freaking museum. But I'm kind of a rebel so I snuck in the Andy Warhol exhibit through the back.

I also took this sick picture even though no photography was allowed in that specific room. I'm not even sure what the significance of the glowing letters are, but people were crowding around it so it must be artsy or something. 

Thursday: Hannah and I got a bite to eat at California Pizza Kitchen and then went to the Highland baseball game for a good 20 minutes before leaving. Going to the baseball games makes me all nostalgic for a number of reasons. Last year I went to a lot of them because I had a thing with one of the players but that's a whole different story. So it just reminds me that so much has changed since last year. Like I honestly could have never imagined that this is where I would be right now. 

Friday: I spent the whole day looking for a dress. And no, not for prom, because I didn't get asked but it's all good because it's not the end of the world. Plus, a lot of other girls didn't get asked so I'm trying not to take it too hard. But I was looking for a semi-formal dress for when I go to this debut fashion show in California this week. 
Later that night I spent some quality time with Lauren, Jacob, and Matt. I actually like them a heck of a lot because they're fun to just kick back and laugh with. Most of what we did is a blur to me, but we just kinda played it by ear. And somehow we ended up at this random park and listened to Lauren tell her soap opera story.

Saturday: while I was chillin' with my other friend Lauren, I received terrible news. Mercedes Tuione, who literally just returned from her mission in Peru in December, was in a bad accident at Saguaro Lake and passed away. The Tuiones' are in my ward and they're by far my favorite Polynesian family. 

I have to admit, it was a hard church meeting to attend. But everyone was reaching out to their family, and I honestly have never felt so close to all my wardies. I seriously admire their family and their strength.

"Numbers don't define how insanely cool you are." -Hailey Devine

I mean sure, getting a lot of likes/favorites on something is a confidence booster. This is gonna sound a tad bit cheesy, but don't you for a second base your self worth on it. You're freaking awesome.


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