Saturday, March 7, 2015

I'm going to have a permanent grin on my face for the next week or so because today we got out for spring break. Except it's totally lame because the Mesa district doesn't have the same break as we do. I don't even know if I'm going on vacation or not, but you never know with my family.
 Last night I made plans to hang out with Brooke, Ashley, and Ellen. I suggested going to the Sugar Bowl out in Scottsdale because it's literally the most darling ice cream parlor you'll ever see. It's decorated all old-fashioned and what not, so every time I'm in there I feel like I'm in an episode of I Love Lucy or something. Plus I have so many childhood memories there. 

As sketchy as it sounds, after that, we headed to the Indian Reservation because Ellen had never seen the Indian Burial Ground before. That place gives me the heebie-jeebies. Then we drove around for a little while and had super deep and secretive conversations until we decided to climb that one windmill that Brooke and I went to on Valentine's Day. I don't enjoy climbing the latter to get up there because I kind of have a fear of heights, but the view is so worth it. 

Later that night I made plans to have a sleepover with Hannah and Jodie, but Hannah wasn't answering me and I guess Jodie fell asleep so that kinda fell through. But on the bright side, my friends Connor and Jacob kidnapped me from my house and took me to Top Golf at midnight. It was the first time I've actually been able to get in, because when I've gone before the wait was like two hours. It's a poppin' place. 

This snapchat caption is very misleading. I actually took lessons when I was younger but last night I was reminded of how terrible I am at golfing. But I tried and it ended up being a blast so there's that.

"Forgive others, not because they deserve forgiveness, but because you deserve peace." -Jonathan Lockwood Huie

I hope that no one underestimates how extremely moving and powerful this quote is. There are going to be certain times in your life that somebody does something to you in which you have no control over. And most of the time, you will have to realize that the only option is to just let go of it, and decide to forgive them. I know, I know. When someone hurts you, the last thing you want to do is disregard it. But the longer you hold on, the longer it will hurt you. So just give it to God. And every time you have a negative thought about the situation, remind yourself that it is no longer your burden to carry. 


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