Tuesday, March 10, 2015

You know how in romantic movies they talk about love at first sight, and about how they instantly know right off the bat that they have to be with that person? Well today I experienced all that mushy mumbo jumbo stuff but in a very different form. Whenever I'm down or I need inspiration, I mosey on over to Barnes & Noble. I was doing my typical walk around the store when I saw the word 'Vinyl' in bold letters. I looked down and there on the display table was a record player. And I kinda just knew I needed to own it. I get guilted into buying things that I really want because I can't imagine life without it. I'm a real life shopaholic. One day in the future I'll probably be one of those people that have to go to a support group because they're addicted to shopping. But that's besides the point. I ended up buying that sucker. I had money saved up from my last paycheck before I quit my job. So there goes my life savings. 

To make it even more authentic, I went to Zia Record Exchange for the first time. Let me tell ya though, that place is the coolest. 

Right away I knew my first vinyl had to be a Beatles' album. Probably because I'm directly related to George Harrison, the lead guitarist. My great-great grandma and his grandma are sisters, making him my third cousin once removed. So yeah. Not to brag, but I've got a Beatle member in my bloodline. Beat that. Harrison wrote and sung 'Here Comes the Sun' so that probably explains why I love it so much. I imagine that up in heaven he plays that song over a loud speaker 24/7. It's just too good.

So here it is. Good 'ole Crosley. And okay, it probably wasn't my smartest investment and I'll end up regretting it tomorrow morning but for now I'm just gonna sit here and enjoy it. 

"There is a voice inside of you 
That whispers all day long,
"I feel that this is right for me.
I know that this is wrong." 
No teacher, preacher, parent, friend
Or wise man can decide
What's right for you-just listen to 
The voice that speaks inside."
-Shel Silverstein 

I can personally testify that listening to your gut is the smartest decision you'll ever make. There have been times where I've had to learn it the hard way, but now I truly understand the importance. Just like today, when I just knew I had to have that record player, despite what my mom and dad might think about it. This is your life so you decide how you want to live it. Go with your intuition and never forget to answer to your moral compass. 


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