Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Today we drove out to Scottsdale to celebrate Brandy's birthday! We went to RA Sushi and then the Sprinkles Cupcake ATM (which I got to cross off my bucket list). She's actually the best thing since sliced bread. 

Also, today the shirt I ordered from So Worth Loving came in the mail. I know I probably say this a lot, but this time I really mean it when I declare this the best investment of all time. Here it is in all of its' glory:

It came in a golden package. Yes, a GOLDEN package. Willy Wonka would totally approve. And when I opened it, gold confetti practically threw up on me. It also came with these groovy little cards which I appreciate very much:

I'm looking forward to wearing my new shirt in India so stay tuned, folks.

Last night I was thinking about all the little things my mom has told me over the years, and I pulled up 30 of the best life tips from Kimberley Kartchner. So instead of a quote for this post, I decided to spice it up a little. 

#1 Quantity over quality, always
#2 The world seems different when you're tired
#3 You can't possibly not be happy at Disneyland
#4 Anyone who hurts animals or children deserves to go to hell
#5 Don't settle for people 
#6 Always get French tip nails 
#7 Don't  buy it unless you really love it 
#8 Steve Madden produces the best line of shoes 
#9 It's important to travel 
#10 Don't gossip because it always comes back to you 
#11 Always stay close to Heavenly Father
#12 You feel better when your house is clean 
#13 Don't trade clothes with friends
#14 Scottsdale Fashion square is the best mall 
#15 Shopping is therapeutic  
#16 If you have anxiety, listen to classical music 
#17 No matter what, get up and keep trying 
#18 You're only pretty when you smile 
#19 Everything happens for a reason
#20 Exercising releases endorphins 
#21 Don't ever get married young 
#22 Put salt on everything 
#23 Everybody needs a little TLC (tender love & care)
#24 Be thick skinned 
#25 Happiness comes from within, not from another person
#26 Just take it as a backhanded compliment 
#27 Never even do it just once because you'll become addicted 
#28 Hold your head up and face your fears 
#29 Be wise with boys 
#30 Be true to yourself 

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